Daily surveys: Daily surveys are a great way to earn points on points2shop. You can complete them everyday and they are for a good amount of points. The downside to doing the Dailies is that they are very long and its very hard to qualify for them. So were going to try to do a daily.
As you can see this offer has a very low approval rate this is because people mark them complete when they didnt actually qualify or didnt get all the way through. So lets try an offer out.
You will most likely get a page like the one above asking some personal info to see if you qualify or not. There is no way to qualify every time, Its all complete luck. After you enter in your info you will be directed to a page that will look something like this...
Then its time to cross your fingers and answer the questions and hope you dont get a page like this...
If you get this page then DO NOT mark it complete it will not credit because you DID NOT qualify. If you do happen to get lucky enough to not get a page like that then you will most likely get a Thank You Page like this...
After you get that mark as complete and wait for your points. Daily Surveys usually take a while to credit so be patient and enjoy your points.
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