Thursday, November 19, 2009

How to Complete an Arcamax Offer.

On GPT sites you will always find Arcamax offers, and there will usually be a few of them. These offers are really easy and they approve instantly if you do them correctly. So lets get started...

So now that we have found an offer to do we need to click on visit offer, and we will be redirected to a page like this...

Now all you have to do is enter an email. I recommend using because all you do is make up a random Email and add to it and its already in the database. So there is no need to take the time registering new emails. Also yopmail always gets the emails, so there is no need to worry about that. Once you enter your email you will end up on a page like this...

Now you need to go check your email that you entered and click on the Arcamax email that you should have recieved, and click on the confirmation link. Then you will be redirected to a page that looks like this...

Now you just click no on all of them and hit submit. You will get a bunch of these pages and some no thanks/Pass pages. Just keep on going through those until you get to the home page which looks like this...

Once you get to that page you can mark the offer as complete. It should be credited in less than a minute if you did it right. Also do NOT do more than one of these offers in a day because only the first one will credit. Mine approved in about 30 seconds...

Hope you found this helpful, if you havn't already sign up for points2shop by clicking the picture below.

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